Tag: muralismo

  • Muralismo in San Francsico

    Muralismo in San Francsico

    Artists Creating a Mural

    Years ago, Erin edited a book on the San Francisco murals, and though she’d visited SF multiple times and stayed nearby many times, she’d never seen them until this trip. On our first day we took a walk down Clarion Alley, and on our last day we strolled down Balmy Alley—not to mention seeing all the murals on random buildings in the Mission. Clarion Alley, we’re told, is the less “savory” of the two streets, more likely to be the host of a drug deal than a painting in progress. When we were on Balmy Alley we actually saw two women painting a new mural. In general we’d say that Clarion’s murals were the more “current”—messages that seemed more contemporary and concerned with current events—but on Balmy the murals were traditional, depicting the ongoing struggles of the people who painted them.

    Clarion Alley

    Clarion Mural 01

    Clarion Mural 02

    Clarion Mural 03

    Clarion Mural

    Clarion Mural

    Clarion Mural

    Clarion Mural

    Clarion Mural

    Clarion Mural

    Clarion Mural

    Jason in Clarion Alley

    Balmy Alley

    Balmy Mural

    Balmy Mural

    Balmy Mural

    Balmy Mural

    Balmy Mural

    Balmy Mural

    Balmy Mural

  • San Francisco!

    San Francisco!

    Hello San Francisco!

    It feels like forever ago that we went to San Francisco (and in some ways it was), but life sped up and the truth is, it’s not going to slow down, so it’s time to blog about the trip! Apologies for the delay.

    We were going to San Francisco for a wedding. Well, a wedding reception—Erin’s friend Julia was getting married at City Hall on Friday and a reception would be on Saturday night. It was a perfect excuse for a long weekend in SF, a city Erin has always loved but Jason had never been to. Labor Day weekend was typical for SF, with temps in the 50s, and Jason could not have been happier. It made our walking tour of the city (and we do mean walking tour—we covered 25 miles in two and a half days) completely lovely. Highlights include tacos in the Mission, North Beach, Chinatown, the Palace of Fine Arts, the Golden Gate, a boat tour, friends, classic San Francisco meals, and, of course, more tacos.

    La Taqueria

    Welcome to the Mission

    Beautiful Skies

    The Hills

    Looking Back

    Lombard Street


    Palace of Fine Arts

    Inside the Palace

    The Bay

    Erin taking in the view

    Some birdge

    Jason's first time seeing the bridge

    The City by the Bay

    The Rock



    Beautiful Murals

    Clarion Alley


    Tadich Grill

    Foggy Sunset